Monday, April 13, 2015

Is There Time for Harmony? Omer Day 10

Tiferet of Gevurah
by Judith Felsen

Is there time for harmony,
hope for a planet to restore,
or has imbalance formed by us
made avalanches of indiscretion
too vast to alter?
Is there a window of time
for discernment correctly applied
to afford adjusted actions
toward reconstruction of our earth?
Has restraint of desire come too late
or is there a chance for discipline to
re-calibrate our lifestyles in accordance with survival?
Today we reflect upon perhaps what are
our own unruly wants and needs,
as we examine inner adjustments required
to restore  internal balance  to bring to this world.
Harmony of restraint allows for cultivation of Your garden.
In this season of omer counting may we have a chance
to bring Your beauty to this earth,
to rectify indulgences with disciplined awareness
so that this world, with Your will,

is balanced once again.

Today is the tenth day, which is one week and three days of the Omer.
Today is the tenth day, which is one week and three days of the journey from bondage to revelation.

Copyright 2015  Judith E. Felsen, Ph. D. Used by permission.

Judith Felsen holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, certificates in hypnotherapy, NLP, Eriksonian Hypnosis, and Sacred Plant Medicine. She is a dancer of sacred circle dance, an AMC kitchen crew, trail information volunteer, trail adopter, and daily student of Torah and Judaism. She is enrolled in Rabbinical Seminary International. She has studied Buddhism, A Course in Miracles, and other mystical traditions. She is a hiker, walker, runner, and lives in the White Mountains with her husband and two large dogs. Her life centers around her Jewish studies and daily application.

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