Time walking the journey of life makes clear that managing
in the world asks us to stand in the “breach,” in the tension, in the paradox between
our individuality and our universality. And yet, the breach, the tension, and the
paradox also ask us to stand between our own needs and the needs of those
around us; between our finite physical selves and our minds and our spirits
that reach beyond what we can actually do in the time and space we occupy;
between our dreams, our hopes, our visions, and the reality of the details of
daily living and of the physical path we walk.
Once we begin searching for both our inner unique self and
our universal self, the questions become more practical. What helps us in this
process? What hinders us?
Perhaps you have experienced a deep need to be heard, or a
time when you could not learn from others but needed the space and the silence
to hear your own inner voice. Deep listening, to ourselves, to our ancestors,
to the texts we hold sacred, to the Earth and the stars, to G!d – deep
listening can connect us to our inner truth. Judaism teaches most fundamentally
Sh’ma – hear – something we can only do if we listen. Pauline Oliveros, in
words of hope for the third millennium of the common era, writes, “I pray for
deep listening in the new century – listening alone – listening together –
listening to others—listening to oneself – listening to the earth – listening
to the universe…helping to create an atmosphere of opening for all to be heard,
with the understanding that listening is healing. Deep listening in all its
variations is infinite. Deep listening is love.”[1]
Deep listening can lead us to broader understandings and
visions. Standing in the breach can become more manageable when we find and
maintain a vision, see some kind of Big Picture before us, and find ways to remain
connected to that vision or that Picture. The development of such a vision generally
evolves over time as our life changes. Although it generally doesn’t pop up fully
fledged overnight, it may start like a thunderbolt, making us acutely aware of
its birth. Or, it may very slowly emerge, almost without our awareness, and we
may find it difficult to pinpoint the birth moment.
Either way, the early stages of our vision may be as fragile
as a premature baby. Imagine the first time you performed a ritual, tried a new
task, spoke a new language, or did anything else you’d never done before. Whether
or not it felt awkward or powerful, it nevertheless was something new and
different. Only many, many repetitions of that act will make it feel integrated
and a part of whom you are. With time and our nurturing, our fragile sense of
our Big Picture can grow stronger and more mature and one day it will stand securely
on its own. If we hold on and don’t let go, if we trust that inner core, we will
gradually shed our fear and our insecurity and grow stronger. So, too, it is with
our most intimate connections to our hearts and our souls, and to the universe.
But life of course is much more than a vision. Alongside our
sense of our wider goals and the direction in which we want our lives to be
going stand the myriad details of life. We must get up, get dressed, have
breakfast, wash up, and get to work or otherwise get on with the day. We must
call the phone company. We must plan for our old age. We must change the
diapers. We must pay our bills. We must wash the floor, the clothes, the
dishes. We must feed the cat and take out the compost. We must call our cousin
and care for our father. We must send a birthday greeting. We must deal with a
bitter co-worker. We must confront the personal issues of our family members.
We must….
Sometimes the details are joyous. Sometimes they are dispassionate.
Sometimes they are excruciating. Sometimes they are heartwarming. Sometimes
they are annoying. Sometimes they are peaceful. Sometimes we must engage with
the details and sometimes we have a choice about how to respond – both
physically and emotionally. Evaluating when the details are important and when
to let them go because they are impeding our progress forward is an important
and legitimate process. There are situations when we need to engage and make a
difference in the world. But there are other situations that just don’t matter
enough, even if at first they seem important: the misunderstanding with the
transit employee, the driver who cut me off, the lack of a thank you from a
friend or family member for a gift I sent. Does getting upset about these
things help me move forward with my vision and engage with my Big Picture or
does it just take up energy I could be using more constructively? When stated
like this, away from the emotion of the moment, the latter seems the obvious
answer. The critical piece is always in the moment. The bark of a tree may
respond to the growth of its trunk by stretching or by cracking, and if it
cracks, a diversity of patterns of fissures and ridges may emerge. We, too,
develop varying patterns depending on how we respond in the moment. Finding
ways to keep the balance between the details and the vision is a daily tightrope
walk that can smooth the pathway of our journey through life and help to keep
us calm and focused.
[1] From Prayers
for a Thousand Years: Blessings and Expressions of Hope for the New, Elizabeth
Roberts, Elias Amidon, HarperCollins Books, 1999, p. 55.