a reminder that Passover
is almost here,
that our time of bondage
is almost at an end.
We feel it so differently
during this particular cycle of the year,
in this time of bondage new to us,
knowing that this bondage will continue,
we know not how long.
This Pesach moon is known by many names,
the Planting Moon -
the Tunica, Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana, and the Seneca tell us.
Did you just plant your peas,
or your lettuce,
confident of the turning of the seasons,
despite the plight
of homo-sapiens the world over?

According to the Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe).
it is the Loon Moon,

What would you call the moon this month?
The Passover Moon -
with hope that the plague will pass over your home
and the homes of all your beloveds
and the homes of all those who have not
enough to eat
and the "homes" of the homeless?
The COVID Moon -
in memory of a Passover never to be forgotten?
Perhaps we connect to another Anishinaabemowin (Ojibwe)-given name,
the Frog Moon,
a reminder of the plagues,
and the miracles,
of long ago,.

Or perhaps we will call it the Hope Moon -
in our determination never to lose hope.
Or the Remember Moon -
that we may remember and observe into the future
the blessings we received this Passover
that is like no other.
As our journey out of bondage begins,
let us step outside,
observe the moon,
and allow it to speak to us,
to give each of us its name,
to answer the question,
what is this springtime moon
for me?
Wishing you a wonderfully different Passover, however it comes together for you this year. Dayeinu, it will be enough.
Chag Pesach Sameach - Happy Passover,
Rabbi Katy and Gabi
beautiful, thank you! watching the moon rise over the mountains last night as I went for a walk with my son, we talked about what this moon should be called!